Lindsay McClure is part of the Where The Wind Blows crew, and she explains the history of this group of young women pushing boundaries of the sport!

April 1, 2014

To: Sensi Graves, Laura Maher, Colleen Carroll, Lindsay McClure
From: Jen Jones
Subject: Brewing up some goodness!

Hello Ladies,

Looks like you all have been having an awesome not-so-winter! Wonderful to see all your pretty tan faces and mad skills on the social media :0)

I've been chasing waves and juggling projects since I left the Gorge too, but now I’m gearing up and excited to return to Hood River in a few weeks!

I'm writing to you because I've been stewing on producing a ladies kite video, since I shot the Rosham with you all a couple of years ago… That being said, you four (Colleen, Sensi, Lindsay & Laura) are at the top of my list of kiter babes I'd like to work with.

The idea is to shoot at a handful of locations around Oregon, incorporate adventurous activities in addition to kiting, camping, organic food and lifestyle. At this point, media outlets are still in the works, but I have the Oregonian's attention. I'm open to suggestions and input and would like this to go beyond the kiting audience and inspire as many as possible!

So before I go any further... What do you guys think?

Much Love & Wind,


Jen Jones sent the above email to Colleen Carroll, Laura Maher, Sensi Graves and myself on April 1, 2014. Who would have imagined that two and a half years later we would have produced three full seasons - a total of nine episodes - together? During three summers of filming, we’ve chased the wind all over the Pacific Northwest, from the Eastern Columbia River Gorge, through Hood River’s slider park, and out to the Oregon coast. We climbed to the top of a 264 ft tall wind turbine. Then, we packed our bags for North Carolina where we toured a new wind energy project in Elizabeth City and made waves across the Outer Banks.

From the start, we’ve believed that this project is bigger than each of us individually, and bigger than kiteboarding. Although simply kiting with the girls would have been a fun project, the opportunity to highlight the good that exists in the Pacific Northwest, and the world, has been a huge motivation for Where the Wind Blows. Promoting a sustainable lifestyle and respect for mother earth have been fundamental goals for this project.

Following the initial email, a flurry of messages and phone calls were exchanged before we launched into our first summer of production. Jen took charge from the start, cracking the whip while wearing her trademark, ear-to-ear smile. Jen’s first move as the producer was to seduce her second-half, Wiley Watson, into the role of cinematographer and editor. Wiley’s background is in producing motocross films with his company, Red Tide Pictures. However, he’s also a dark horse in the kiteboarding scene, a ripping kiter who tackles all disciplines.

Hectic personal schedules and fickle Gorge wind challenged our squad during our first summer of production. Our aim with season one was to introduce viewers to the natural beauty, conscious lifestyle, and kiteboarding scene in Hood River, OR. We were proud of our three original episodes, but we knew we were capable of even more.

For season two, we shifted our focus and plan of attack. Instead of trying to get everyone together for each shoot, we focused on producing individual “Selects” and filming in smaller groups. We also put together our "Harnessing Wind" episode about Avangrid Renewables’ wind energy operations in Eastern Oregon. In the fall of 2015, we strapped into full-body harnesses, slapped on hard hats and laced up our work boots before carefully climbing, rung-by-rung, to the top of a wind turbine. Once we reached the nacelle (the box-car sized unit at the top of the turbine where the blades meet) we, slowly and steadily, climbed out of the hatch absorbed the view from the top of the giant beast. During season two, we filmed a tonne and came up with some pleasing results, but we were capable of even more.

Then, on April 22, 2016, Jen Jones blasted out an email titled, WTWB… 2016?! This email proposed an episode based in North Carolina. One of the strengths of the WTWB production team, and Jen specifically, has been the ability to manifest ideas. Jen has a talent for making dreams a reality. The “Where The Wind Blows- North Carolina” episode is a prime example of this skill. Filming in and around our hometown is one thing, but hitting the road with the cast and crew was a much bigger tiger to tackle. After a hard look at the viability of taking Where the Wind Blows to the East Coast, Jen green-lighted the project.

For the first time, our team was able to spend an uninterrupted week working and living together. We were able to be on-call, free from distractions, and under one roof for the entire shoot. When the wind was up, we were able to assemble and be on the water in less than 30 minutes. We were also able to enjoy downtime together, sharing meals and margaritas while sorting through footage. The result is undoubtedly the tightest Where the Wind Blows episode to date.

Each season of filming has concluded with an exciting release and celebration, and then we go our separate ways. It’s remarkable to see how this team has been able to reconnect each summer, stronger, more committed, and closer than before.

Each of us are at different stages in our careers and personal lives compared with where we were in 2014. However, the constants of kiteboarding and the desire to leave a positive mark on the world remain.

Laura is as dedicated to kiteboarding as ever. Her career as a hair stylist provides enough stability and flexibility so she can chase the wind and ride her kites all year around.

Sensi’s bikini business is booming, and her riding is more aggressive and progressive than ever.

Colleen has remained at the forefront of women’s kiteboarding, and she shows no sign of relaxing.

Jen’s photo and media genius is more remarkable than ever. During the spring of 2016, she added the Fotobus, a vintage 1971 VW Bus + photo booth, to her array of creative projects.

Wiley is busy bouncing from one high-octane project to another. His films are bigger and more stunning than ever, yet he still finds time to progress his riding at lightning speed.

And me, I’m still travelling like crazy with the World Class Kiteboard Academy, which keeps me on the water nearly every day.

Thanks for tuning in.


